Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Science vs. Faith - Ethical Battles

Science and Religion have not had the most harmonious relationship in history or in modern times.  In the Baroque age (1600-1715) challenging the “truths” within the Bible with science, rationale and observation potentially had dire consequences for the person challenging.  Galileo, like Copernicus believed in a Heliocentric model of the spheres and cosmos, rather than a geocentric model, unlike Ptolemy.

Image depicting a heliocentric model, with the sun at the center

Image depicting a GEOCENTRIC model, with Earth at the center

Galileo’s carefully constructed thoughts and ideas on the movement of the spheres were considered dangerous by the Inquisition, and ultimately condemned him to heresy.  Over the course of the last 400 + years, more tolerance has evolved in certain areas.  However, there are ethical issues at play today where Science and the Bible are in direct conflict with one another. 

When Pope John Paul II finally absolved Galileo of the judgment placed on him by the Inquisition (300 years later), he also clearly cautioned scientists to be ethical.  Ethics continue to play a huge role today in regards to scientific discovery and advancement, often in relationship to biblical issues and organized religion. 

Galileo’s studies and observations and development of the telescope as a tool to further observe the heavens in greater detail agreed greatly with Copernicus, that the Earth was in motion rather than a fixed object.  Galileo became convinced of the heliocentric theory that the sun was the center of our solar system, and that the Earth along with the other celestial spheres (planets) were in orbit around the sun. In Galileo’s letter to the Grand Duchess of Tuscany, he outlined these ideas and observations.  He also discussed the truths within the bible, both literal and figurative. Ultimately, Galileo was found to be a heretic for his observations and beliefs.  

We know, through science and exploration that Galileo’s theories about the movements of the spheres were ultimately correct.  Man has visited space and walked on the moon.  Man has explored the solar system.  Much of the debate between science and faith now is centered on ethics.  

A current example of a hot point between science and faith is the development of stem cell-research.

Many were elated white others were outraged when President Obama lifted the ban on federal funding of stem-cell research. Obama argued that he is a man of both faith and science. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Alaina. Obviously this is an issue that, despite centuries of contention, has still not been resolved. And may never be! Your assignment has been graded, and you can find the grade and a short video feedback in Blackboard's grade book.
